Olivet Leadership Institute

OA NA to Expand OLI Program in 2019

Olivet Assembly of North America will expand its Olivet Leadership Institute certification program in 2019 to all four quarters of the year for its Bible and practical mission training at the World Olivet Center.

Through the program, the hope is that many new staff both nationally and regionally can be raised to advance North America mission for the next generation of leaders.

OA NA will hold multiple programs throughout the year, increasing opportunities to gather participants for the winter, summer, and fall. In addition to biblical training, each program will equip students with skills they need to pioneer mission, co-work with local church leaders, and take steps to become leaders within Olivet Assembly.

With more leaders, OA NA will make a great impact on mission within the region to increase membership in the denomination in the years ahead.

OA is praying for evangelism at local churches to reach many prepared people that can be raised as disciples of Jesus Christ and be ready to enroll in the coming year.

Please pray for the development of the OLI program and so teachers and instructors will have the pasion to raise the next generation of leaders.

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