Olivet Leadership Institute

Course Description

In this course, students will learn the truths of the Bible through studies of different books of the Scripture. By going through chapters in order, the intended purpose and theme of each book can be extracted in depth. After learning the basic books in this series, students will also have a foundational understanding of theological themes.

  • Genesis
    The first book of the Bible can be described as an epitome of the entire Scripture. Genesis gives a profound look into the original world of creation, and the reason and cause behind the original sin, and the unchanging love of God which results in His persistent will for the salvation of mankind. The stories of the ancestors of faith will allow students to found their faith on that of the forerunners in God’s history.
  • Romans
    Called by reformer Martin Luther as “the chief part of the New Testament and the perfect gospel . . . the absolute epitome of the gospel,” the book of Romans has impacted many theologians who carried the history of Christianity. In this epistle, Apostle Paul unfolds the truths of salvation and God’s history in an unparalleled manner. Through this book, students will be equipped with powerful weapons with which they can fight the spiritual battles.
  • Gospels
    The four Gospel books record the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Above all else, students will be able to witness the love of God which was fully revealed through His Son. They will delve into the meaning of the cross and the resurrection of Christ through the path He took, and will be shown how we as His disciples are to follow after Him. As they learn the stories of the Gospel, they will be exhorted and challenged to live the life of the Gospel in order to be ambassadors of Christ in this era.
  • Exodus
    The stories of Israelites’ journey from Egypt into Canaan land illustrates our Christian journey from the life of slavery in sin toward the Kingdom of God. Through examining the roles of Moses and the Israelites, students will learn the events and challenges in this path, and the proper attitude they are to have in each position.
  • Acts
    The book of Acts records the footsteps of Jesus’ disciples following His ascension. Mainly focused on Peter and Paul’s ministries, Acts records the “acts” of the Holy Spirit through the apostles. With the profound record of the three mission journeys of Paul and the opening of the Gentile mission, Acts is a perfect guide to the missional aspect of Christian life. Students can receive the wisdom of faith regarding how to manage certain types of people or situation in their life of evangelism and church planting.
  • Galatians
    As Paul’s epistle to the church in Galatia, this letter serves as a warning and wake-up call to Christians who have lost the grace of the gospel and have fallen into legalism. Paul reminds and assures the readers of the pure and true gospel, and how we are to live out our life of faith – not by law but by grace. Students will be doubly equipped with the truth of the gospel through grasping the truths laid out in Romans and Galatians.

In this course, students will learn the core doctrines of Scripture from a systematic perspective. Through a systematic and holistic understanding of these doctrines, students will be able to find clear answers to numerous questions in life. They will also be able to distinguish between the pure Biblical truths and the teachings and theologies of other religions. Once equipped with the theological framework of their faith, students can become more powerful defenders and proclaimers of the Gospel.

  • Soteriology
    Soteriology is the study of the doctrine of salvation. It discusses how one’s faith in Christ secures his/her salvation. Students will understand the doctrines of redemption, propitiation, justification, the substitutionary atonement, sanctification and glorification.Biblical Soteriology is unique from other religions, in its doctrine of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Students will be exhorted to clearly understand and firmly hold onto this truth, as the foundation of their life of faith and service for God’s kingdom.
  • Christology
    Christology is the study of the Person and work of Jesus Christ.A Biblical understanding of Jesus Christ is crucial to one’s salvation and daily life as a believer. Many world religions claim to believe in Jesus Christ, but they do not do so in a Biblical manner. Through a thorough understanding of Biblical Christology, students will have conviction in Jesus’ identity including His perfect deity and perfect humanity, the meaning and importance of Christ’s incarnation, redemption through His death on the cross, His resurrection and ascension. Students will deepen their faith in the God of the Bible who is revealed fully through Jesus Christ.Soteriology and Christology together form the uncompromisable foundations of Christian orthodoxy. Those who profess to have orthodox and proper faith in Christ must take hold of both doctrines with clarity and depth.
  • Eschatology
    Eschatology is the study of the end times – the end of an individual life, the end of the age, the end of the world and the nature of the Kingdom of God. Our understanding of Eschatology has an immense impact on how we live our daily lives. Instead of studying Eschatology as an isolated topic merely focused on the future end times, students will be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of “time” in accordance with the principles that run through entire history of God. The future can be understood best through the typologies in God’s history in the past.“How does God carry out His history, and what is the role of Christians in this era?” This question will be answered as the students delve into the relationship between Israel and New Israel. Jews in Jesus’ era had received promises and blessings from God, which they were unable to inherit. Today, Christians stand in the same position as the blessed chosen ones, who are to continue the history of salvation. An in-depth exposition of Apostle Paul’s words in Romans 11 on the remnant of Israel will be provided for a profound grasp of this topic.
  • Ecclesiology
    Ecclesiology is the study of the church, which is the assembly of believers who belong to God. “Ecclesia” in Greek means “people called out from the world and to God.” Through this study, students will understand what the church is, its purpose and role, and our roles in the church.They will understand the church as the Body of Christ and what function and roles the members of the church can serve, according to the Bible.
  • Missiology
    Missiology is the practical study of missions of the Christian church. With the Great Commission as its crux, Missiology seeks to further the understanding and performance of the Christian mission in our day, covering topics such as cross-cultural evangelism, apologetics, Christian education and church growth among others.As a part of understanding the mission of God, students will learn the history of Christian churches – how the apostles in the early church expanded the territory of their missionary works with the power of the Holy Spirit, and how God has been working throughout history. The major movements, events, and people who have influenced to the development of the Christian Church will be introduced and interpreted in light of the bigger current of mission history.

In this series, the Biblical and theological studies will be extended to practical application in everyday ministry life. Students will be equipped not only with the skills to accomplish mission and ministry works, but also with the heart attitude and wisdom of faith through which their works can be truly blessed and testified by God.

  • Spiritual Formation
    Spiritual formation is a life-long process by which God forms in believers the character of Jesus Christ. It is the path of the sanctification every true believer goes through, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual formation takes place in accordance with Biblical standards, and equally importantly, in the context of Christian community. As believers’ relationship with God deepens, they are also challenged to constantly serve and forgive one another. Through this refining process, the whole person is transformed in attitudes, thoughts and behaviors. Such life change is manifest in an ever-growing love for God and others—a dying to self and living for Christ.
    Students will be exhorted to take this journey of sanctification with perseverance and joy, knowing that its result is a beautiful life of love and service pleasing to God.
  • Christ-like Leadership
    This course provides Biblical principles of leadership to help students grow as servant leaders, following the example of Jesus Christ. Godly leadership is founded on humility, servitude and sacrifice. The King of kings stooped down to the lowest place to wash His disciples’ feet. Likewise, true leaders can successfully communicate the heart of love and compassion through their actions, and lead a following of people by winning their hearts.Through this course, students will be able to grasp Jesus’ definition and model of leadership; to articulate the path to true Christian leadership; and to find practical applications of Biblical leadership into their daily lives and relationships.
  • Spiritual Care and Counseling
    This course focuses on developing an understanding of basic skills in providing spiritual care and counseling for those under the ministers’ care. The ministers’ role is not only to preach the Word of God but also to offer personal care and counseling to help each individual experience God’s presence and guidance deeply.Students will be able to distinguish between Biblical counseling and the secular way of counseling and therapy, and to wisely guide students through difficulties and suffering time with God’s truth and grace.
  • Ministry Formation
    Ministry Formation will cover the steps to form and develop various types of ministries, including but not limited to Youth Ministry, Senior Ministry, Kids Ministry, Music Ministry, Media Ministry and Prayer Ministry. Categorized by age groups or interest groups, there can be numerous kinds of ministries to serve the advancement of God’s kingdom. Ministry Formation will provide students with the basics of how to launch these ministries and develop them administratively.Existent ministries will offer specialized tracks to students so they may have a clearer understanding of their identity and mission.
  • Church Planting
    This course will lay down the necessary qualities and steps for pioneering new churches. Students will learn the history, theories and practices of church planting, and the connection between church planting and world evangelization. They will be further exhorted to grasp the significance and urgency of church planting in the modern era.
  • Church Administration
    This course is designed to help students acquire the skill necessary for basic church management. They will be able to understand various successful leadership styles, while discovering and developing their personal leadership style. There will also be a study of various church administrative models, allowing students to learn how to be effective leaders with a clear vision. Through examining administrative systems for churches of different sizes, students will learn church administration in each stage of its growth.
  • Business as Mission
    As Dallas Willard said, “Business is a primary moving force of the love of God in human history.” Business can play a great role in God’s redemptive history. Business as Mission course provides biblical management and professional development to ministry-bound men and women so that they can understand how business can impact people and the world, and contribute to the expansion of God’s kingdom, supporting them to be empowered with a solid Biblical foundation and professionalism.
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  • 08Aug

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  • 11Mar

    Southeast Asia Regional Leadership Training (OLI)

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